Whole Dude – Whole Edict



Whole Edict: Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

Shahanshah (Cyrus the Great, Emperor of Persia 580-590 B.C., to 529 B.C.)King of Kings,Father of Persian People, Ideal Monarch,Liberator of Jews of Babylonia- The Legend of Cyrus is described by Greek historian Herodotus and Greek author Xenophon. A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem


A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

Cyrus, the founder of Achaemenid Persian empire and ruled it from 549 BC to 529 BC. The conquest of the great and ancient city of Babylon in 539 BC made Cyrus the ruler of a vast domain from the Aegean and the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Indus river of India in the east. Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylonia destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC and forced the Jews to live in exile.

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

Cyrus is famous in the Books of Old Testament of Holy Bible for freeing the Jews held captive in Babylonia. Cyrus had allowed more than 40,000 Jews to return to their Promised Land in 537 BC. He had asked them to take back the gold and silver utensils that were looted from the House of God in Jerusalem.

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah foretold the destruction of Jerusalem, captivity of Jews and then release with the coming of Cyrus. He is remembered in the Cyrus Legend first recorded by Xenophon, a Greek soldier and author of Cyropaedia. Greek historian Herodotus has described Cyrus as tolerant, ideal monarch, Father of Persian people and as the Liberator of Jews held captive in Babylonia. Cyrus had conquered Lydia, Syria, Babylon, and Palestine. In the year 1971, Iran celebrated the 2,500th anniversary of the founding of the monarchy by Cyrus. He is glorified in the Books of The Old Testament. 

Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

Book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 10, the LORD says, “when seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my gracious promise to bring you back to this place…”  

Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

Book of Isaiah, chapter 44, verse 28 : God says of Cyrus, “He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please; he will say of Jerusalem, “Let it be rebuilt,” and of the temple, “Let its foundations be laid.”  

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

Book of Isaiah, chapter 45, verse 13 : “I will raise up Cyrus in my righteousness; I will make all his ways straight, he will rebuild my city and set my exiles free, but not for a price or reward,” says the LORD Almighty.  

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

Shahanshah’s Edict of Restoration  

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

Cyrus’s Edict to rebuild the House of God in Jerusalem is stated in the Book of 2 CHRONICLES, chapter 36, verse 23, and is reproduced in the Book of EZRA, chapter 1, verses 2 and 3.

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem
A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

This is what Cyrus King of Persia says;  

“The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for Him at Jerusalem in Judah. Anyone of His people among you- may his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the LORD, the God of Israel, the God who is in Jerusalem.”  


Cyrus Cylinder was discovered in the foundations of Esagila Temple, Babylon. A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

A clay cylinder was discovered in the foundations of the Esagila temple dedicated to chief Babylonian god Marduk. In cuneiform script, the following statement was inscribed on the clay cylinder:  

….I am Cyrus, King of the world. When I entered Babylon…. I did not allow anyone to terrorise the land….I kept in view the needs of people and all its sanctuaries to promote their well-being…. I put an end to their misfortunes. The Great God has delivered all the lands into my hand; the lands that I have made to dwell in a peaceful habitation….  

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

The Legacy of Emperor Cyrus  

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

He was more than a great conqueror who founded an empire. He is best remembered for his unprecedented tolerance and magnanimous attitude towards those he vanquished. He showed a great forbearance and respect towards the religious beliefs and cultural traditions of other races. His policy of religious toleration and contribution to the rebuilding of several nations’ temples earned him the homage of all the people whom he had ruled.

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

In the Book of Isaiah, chapter 45, verses 1 to 6, Cyrus is praised as the ‘ANOINTED OF THE LORD’. The Greeks whom he conquered regarded him as ‘Law-Giver’. The Babylonians treated him as ‘The Liberator’. The Iranians regard him as ‘The Father’. He is considered to be upright, generous, and benevolent.

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

The Holy Book of Quran in Surah Al-Kahaf, verse 18 referred to a person known as “ZUL-QARNAIN” or “DHUL-QARNAYN”, a person wearing a crown of two horns like a ram. Cyrus, a Zoroastrian by faith, promised not to force any person to change his religion and faith and guaranteed religious freedom for all.  

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

Rebuild BETH-EL, House of God at Temple Mount, Jerusalem: 

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

The House of God, the Temple in Jerusalem acts as the figurative “footstool” of God’s presence in the physical world.

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

The First Temple was built by King Solomon in 957 BC. It stood for about 375 to 410 years. The Babylonians destroyed it in 586 BC. The Second Temple was completed during 516 BC and the Roman Emperor POMPEY desecrated it in 63 BC. King Herod had renovated it in 19 BC. The Roman troops of General TITUS totally destroyed it in 70 CE. Just the Western outer wall of the Temple still stands today. An Islamic shrine, the Dome of Rock was built on the site of the Temple Mount in late 7th century CE, and the al-Aqsa Mosque also stands in the temple courtyard.

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

The Jews envision the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. The building of religious shrines on top of the ruined monuments of other faiths causes problems for rebuilding the Temple Mount. This is a problem that Indians have encountered repeatedly in all of their holy places such as Varanasi, Mathura, and Ayodhya.

A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

If Shahanshah Cyrus is asked to decide on the religious dispute between Muslims and Jews, he would direct us to rebuild the original House of God or Beth-El at Temple Mount in Jerusalem and to restore the faith and the worship of God that it represents. Let us rebuild ‘House of God’ and let its foundations be laid where it belongs.   

The remnants of Second Temple, the Temple renovated by King Herod. The First Temple was built by King Solomon. The most holy site in Judaism is known as the Western Wall or the Wailing Wall. The Minaret of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are seen behind the Western Wall. A Shahanshah’s Edict – Rebuild the Temple, the House of God in Jerusalem

Whole Dude – Whole Jew

The Spirit of a Jew – The Birth of a Nation

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

Excerpt: While Major General Jack Farj Rafael Jacob was the Chief of Staff at the Eastern Army Headquarters, the only other Jew in the Liberation War of Bangladesh was the Adjutant of my Unit.The Adjutant, Captain.Kottayam Chacko Kurien is a Kerala Jew. The Jews of Kerala were the first members of Jewish community to arrive in India and their migration dates back to the biblical times,starting with the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and even the earlier period of their Babylonian Exile.There is evidence to prove that there was a Jewish community in India prior to the arrival of Saint Thomas in 52 A.D.Since I had participated in the 1971 War without my personal weapon, Captain Kurien was also assigned the responsibility of defending me. He took that task with a sense of cheer and true to his spirit of a Jew, he had solemnly announced that I would be the last person to get killed (by the enemy) in my Unit and had assured me that I should have no concerns for being unarmed.

Lieutenant General Jack Farj Rafael Jacob, PVSM, The Architect of Surrender at Dacca on December 16, 1971

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.
The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

The Birth of a Nation – The Birth of Bangladesh in 1971

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.
The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

Bangladesh declared its independence from Pakistani rule on March 25, 1971 but the Liberation was accomplished on 16th December, 1971 at 4.30 p.m. when the Pakistani army commander Lt General. A. A. K. Niazi signed the surrender document before people of Dhaka (Dacca) at Dhaka’s ‘Racecourse Maidan’ which is now known as ‘Suhrawardy Udyan’.

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

Major General J F R Jacob, Chief of Staff of Indian Eastern Army had drafted the “instrument of surrender.” Earlier on that day of surrender, General Jacob had arrived to meet General Niazi who had actually wanted to discuss “only a ceasefire under the U.N. “The credit of arranging this modern history’s only public surrender by a vanquished force goes to this Jewish General of Indian Army. General Jacob’s Hebrew name is Yaacov Rafael, a ‘Baghdadi’ Jew and the family had arrived in Calcutta about 200 years ago.

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

About 36 years after the surrender ceremony, a 11-member delegation of Indian war veterans led by General Jacob were invited to Bangladesh to witness the 37th Independence Day celebrations on March 26, 2008. Some of the historical events are described by General Jacob in his book titled ‘SURRENDER AT DACCA: BIRTH OF A NATION’ and the book was published by Manohar Publishers in the year 2001.

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

It is very interesting to note that General Jacob in an interview at Dacca had given some appreciation to the military operation in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and the Liberation of Chittagong by Forces which operated outside the jurisdiction of Indian Army’s Eastern Command.

The Spirit of a Jew

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in Indian Army), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

General Jacob joined the British Indian Army (Artillery) in 1942 because of his concerns about the persecution of Jews by the Nazis. Very interestingly, his first assignment during the World War II was in Iraq from where his ancestors had migrated to India. He had also served in Africa, Burma, and Sumatra during World War II. He had retired in 1978 after serving as the Commander of India’s Eastern Army. He was instrumental in saving the lives of many Pakistani service personnel, civilian staff, paramilitary forces and their families by successfully negotiating the modalities of the surrender at Dacca. The surrender had ensured that the prisoners would be treated with Dignity and Respect that they are entitled to under the Geneva Conventions of 1948. It guaranteed the safety and wellbeing of all who surrender. Much attention was given to safely remove the non-combatants and the soldiers were particularly protected from reprisal attacks by the victorious Bangla freedom fighters (Mukti Bahini).

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

While Major General Jacob was the Chief of Staff at the Eastern Army Headquarters, the only other Jew in the Liberation War of Bangladesh was the Adjutant of my Unit.The Adjutant, Captain.Kottayam Chacko Kurien is a Kerala Jew. The Jews of Kerala were the first members of Jewish community to arrive in India and their migration dates back to the biblical times,starting with the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and even the earlier period of their Babylonian Exile.There is evidence to prove that there was a Jewish community in India prior to the arrival of Saint Thomas in 52 A.D.Since I had participated in the 1971 War without my personal weapon, Captain Kurien was also assigned the responsibility of defending me. He took that task with a sense of cheer and true to his spirit of a Jew, he had solemnly announced that I would be the last person to get killed (by the enemy) in my Unit and had assured me that I should have no concerns for being unarmed.

Operation Eagle. The military action to initiate the Liberation of Bangladesh involved the use of this US Marine Corps Service Rifle. The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

As we moved in, it did not take too long for an alert enemy patrol to spot our movement and they opened an intense barrage of gun fire. Captain. Kurien quickly dug up a trench and had asked me to take cover till things cool down. It was a very dark night, we responded with great restraint, and as we waited with our own attack plan, we allowed the enemy patrol to think that we were beaten back. As I was in good company, I could totally focus on my primary task of giving medical support to the men without any other concern about my personal safety. In the same operational zone, several miles away, a doctor had a very rough experience for lack of proper understanding of his role and for not trusting the men whom he was to support.

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

Having taken part in the military operation of 1971 to Liberate Bangladesh, I would give credit to the Indian Air Force who clinched the victory and the surrender by the Pakistani forces.Indian ground forces could rapidly advance towards Dacca and Chittagong as they never came under an air strike by Pakistan.General Jacob in his book had claimed that the Eastern Army had prepared a better operational plan but the facts are the ground assault can not proceed without air support and the coordinated support for the attack is planned at the Army Headquarters in New Delhi rather than at Kolkata where the Eastern Army Command is based. Indian Air Force dominated the air space and they were able to hit any enemy target with great precision and with the display of their air superiority and power, Pakistani General Niazi had no chance of protecting his ground forces and took the wise course of ending the battle and over 93,000 people eventually returned to Pakistan.

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

How Lt General JFR Jacob secured Pakistan’s surrender in 1971 

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

Excerpted from Lt Gen JFR Jacob’s autobiography “An Odyssey in War and Peace: An Autobiography” published in 2011

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

On the morning of 16 December, Manekshaw phoned me and said, “Jake, go and get a surrender.” I asked him if I should negotiate the surrender on the basis of the draft sent to him some days earlier. He replied, “You know what to do; just go.”

I then mentioned that Niazi had invited me for lunch, and informed Aurora. I met Mrs Bhanti Aurora outside the office, and she told me that she was going to Dacca as her place was beside her husband. I returned to Aurora and asked him if he was taking his wife with him. He replied in the affirmative. I said it was risky taking her there, to which he replied that it would be my responsibility to ensure her safety!

I proceeded to Dacca accompanied by a staff officer. I took my draft of the Instrument of Surrender, which was yet to be confirmed by Army HQ. I changed helicopters at Jessore to save refuelling time. An officer ran up to me handing over a signal message from Army HQ. I expected that the message would confirm the draft I was carrying with me. It read: “Government of India has approved of General Jacob having lunch with Gen. Niazi.” I proceeded on to Dacca.

On landing at Dacca, I was met by the representatives of the UN, Marc Henry, Kelly, and others. They told me that they were accompanying me to take over the government and to arrange the withdrawal of the Pakistan military, paramilitary, and Pakistani civilians. I thanked them but declined their offer. Fighting was going on in Dacca between the Mukti Bahini and the Pakistan Army.

The Pakistanis had sent me a staff car. The chief of staff of Pakistan’s Eastern Command accompanied me in the car to the headquarters of Eastern Command. We had barely proceeded a few hundred yards when a group of freedom fighters blocking the road fired at the car. I jumped out exclaiming “Indian army”.

Seeing my olive green Indian Army uniform they stopped firing but wanted to kill the Pakistani Chief of Staff. I reasoned with them, trying to persuade them to allow us to proceed. They reluctantly agreed.

I entered Niazi’s office. Present there were the seniormost Pakistani army, navy, and air force officers, as also some other senior military officers. I was shocked to see Maj. Gen. Nagra seated on the sofa with his arm around Niazi engaged in cracking bawdy jokes in Punjabi. Siddiq Salik in his book Witness to Surrender (1977) wrote that the jokes were unprintable!

We had moved Nagra just a few days earlier to replace Maj Gen Gurbax Singh, who was in command of the force that was moving to capture Dacca, but was wounded. Nagra had known Niazi from before when he was posted as military advisor to our High Commission in Islamabad.

The ceasefire had taken effect at 1700 hours on 15 December. On the morning of 16 December, Nagra, who was some 30 miles outside Dacca with elements of 95 Mountain Brigade and 2 Para, well after the ceasefire went into force, sent a message to Niazi to send his representative. Niazi was at a loss to understand this message as he was expecting me. Nagra, flying a white flag, was escorted to Niazi’s headquarters. I saw the three jeeps with white flags parked outside.

I called Nagra outside, gave him a sharp dressing down for disgraceful conduct unbecoming of a general officer. I told him to send some troops into Dacca, to the airfield and Intercontinental Hotel to protect the officials there. I also instructed him to arrange a table and two chairs at the Race Course for signature of the Instrument of Surrender, as also to provide a detachment for a joint guard of honour. I told him to leave behind a jeep for me.

I re-entered the building. The draft Instrument of Surrender was read out. Niazi, with tears rolling down his cheeks, said: “Who said I am surrendering? You have only come to discuss a ceasefire and withdrawal as proposed by me.” The service chiefs present also voiced their objections. Rao Farman Ali objected to surrendering to a “Joint Command”.

Time was running out so I called Niazi aside. I told him that if he did not surrender I could not take responsibility for the safety of their families and ethnic minorities but if he did I would ensure their protection. I asked him to reconsider, again reminding him that if he did not surrender I would not be responsible for the safety of their families. I then added that I would give him 30 minutes to reconsider and if he did not I would order the resumption of hostilities and the bombing of Dacca. I then walked out to be met by the press.

I was extremely worried. Niazi had 26,400 troops in Dacca, we had about 3,000 some 30 miles out. I was in a quandary as what to do in the event of his refusing. Aurora and his entourage were expected to land in an hour or two and the ceasefire was to expire shortly. I had nothing in hand.

After 30 minutes I walked into the office to be met by a deathly silence, my draft surrender document lying on the table. I asked Niazi if he accepted this document, to which he did not reply. I repeated the enquiry thrice. He still did not respond.

I then picked up the document, holding it high, and said, “I take it as accepted.” Tears rolled down Niazi’s cheeks, there were glares from those present.

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

I called Niazi aside and then told him that I had arranged for the signing to take place at the Race Course in public. He objected strongly. I then told him that he would have to surrender his sword. He said that he did not have a sword but would surrender his revolver.

At around 1500 hours, I asked Niazi to accompany me to the airport. As Nagra had not left a jeep for me, I sat with Niazi in his staff car. The Mukti Bahini fighters jumped on the car and it was with some difficulty that we reached the airport. Fortunately, en route we stopped a jeep with two of our paratroopers who were sightseeing. I asked them to follow us.

Around 1630 hours Aurora and his entourage arrived in a fleet of five M14 and four Allouette helicopters. Aurora was accompanied by his wife and the Cs-in-C of Navy and IAF Commands. Lt Gen. Sagat Singh and some of his divisional commanders also alighted, as did Wing Commander Khondker. Osmani, unfortunately was not there; the helicopter in which he had been traveling having been shot at and damaged.

I had planned to travel in the last car with Aurora and Niazi, but Aurora asked me to make way for his wife, who then took her place by her husband’s side. The ADC, who was carrying the papers to be signed, and I had to hitch our way on a truck to the Race Course.

Though there was very little time for any preparations, the ceremony went off reasonably well. After inspecting the guard of honour, Aurora and Niazi sat at the table and signed the Instrument of Surrender. I glanced at the documents and was aghast to see the heading which read “Instrument of Surrender – to be signed at 1631 IST [Indian Standard Time]”. I looked at my watch, which showed that the time was 1655 hours. The documents they brought to be signed had to be re-signed by both in Calcutta some two weeks later!

Niazi removed his epaulette, took out his revolver and handed it to Aurora; tears rolled down his cheeks. It was getting dark. The crowd at the Race Course began shouting and there were threats to lynch Niazi; anti-Pakistani slogans and abuses resounded. They then moved towards Niazi. The senior officers present formed a cordon around him and whisked him off in one of our jeeps.

Sometime later, when I examined the revolver that Niazi had surrendered, I realized that it could not have been Niazi’s. e barrel was choked with muck and had not been cleaned for some considerable time, the lanyard was frayed and dirty. This could not have been the personal weapon of a commanding general. Niazi had probably taken it from one of the military policemen and surrendered it as his personal weapon. I could not help feeling that in a small way Niazi had got some of his own back.

The Spirit of a Jew-The Birth of Bangladesh. I am able to recognize his Spirit as I had served in the same military operation and participated in military action in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. My Unit Adjutant Captain Kottayam Chacko Kurien ( Emergency Commission Officer who had earlier served in the Indian Army in the 1962 India-China War), a Kochi Jew had enriched my experience and understanding of Jewish Spirit.

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony

Chanakya Neeti claims that the US policy of Hegemony is Doomed

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the Doomed US Policy of Hegemony

Excerpt: Dr. Henry Alfred Kissinger who was chief foreign policy adviser and Secretary of State to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford is described as the architect of American foreign policy which he named as hegemony. None of the foreign policy initiatives for global dominance could help America to balance its federal budget and control its deficit spending which is the root cause of the problems that its economy is facing now. If American economy suffers, it would definitely cause a ripple effect. I am not surprised to hear that the merchants in the New York city are willing to accept payments in Euros as an acknowledgement of the fact that the U.S. Dollar has become weak and will continue to remain weak in comparison to major global currencies.

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the Doomed US Policy of Hegemony

Chanakya Niti or the Doctrine of Chanakya, Kautilya, or Vishnu Gupta, the Indian Statesman and Philosopher

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the Doomed US Policy of Hegemony

Chanakya could be described as the pioneer economist of the world. He is known for his shrewdness, astuteness and diplomacy. He may have been influenced by Zoroastrians who arrived in India from Persia (present day Iran). He became a counsellor and adviser to King Chandragupta (reigned c. 321- c. 297) of the Mauryan Empire in India. King Chandragupta was a contemporary of Alexander the Great. Chanakya was instrumental in helping Chandragupta to overthrow the powerful Nanda dynasty at Pataliputra, Magadha.

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the Doomed US Policy of Hegemony

Chanakya is praised for his sound political wisdom and knowledge of human nature. Because of him the Mauryan Empire under Chandragupta and later under Ashoka (reigned c. 265- c. 238) became a model of efficient government.

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the Doomed US Policy of Hegemony

Chanakya wrote a classic treatise on polity, Artha Shastra. Artha means property, economics or material success. It incorporates Principles of Economics and Administration. The book discusses monetary and fiscal policies, welfare, international relations and war strategies. His book Niti Shastra deals with the ideal way of life. The book Chanakya Niti enunciates his policies.

American Foreign Policy – Hegemony:

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the Doomed US Policy of Hegemony

Dr. Henry Alfred Kissinger who was chief foreign policy adviser and Secretary of State to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford is described as the architect of American foreign policy which he named as hegemony.

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the Doomed US foreign policy called Hegemony.
Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the US policy of Hegemony. Dr. Kissinger, The Chief Architect of the Doomed US Policy
Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the US Policy of Hegemony. Dr. Kissinger, The Chief Architect of the Doomed US Policy
Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the US Policy of Hegemony. The Chief Architect of the Doomed US Policy
Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the US Policy of Hegemony. The Chief Architect of the Doomed US Policy
Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the US Policy of Hegemony. The Chief Architect of the Doomed US Policy
Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the US Policy of Hegemony. The Chief Architect of the Doomed US Policy
Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the US Policy of Hegemony. The Chief Architect of the Doomed US Policy
Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the US Policy of Hegemony. The Chief Architect of the Doomed US Policy

At the end of the cold war, America has assumed the role of World’s only Superpower (Hyperpower) and is willing to dominate the globe in all aspects including that of being the sole military, political, economic and socio-cultural power.

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the US policy of Hegemony. The Chief Architect of the Doomed US Policy

What’s Good for America is Good for the World:

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the Doomed US policy of Hegemony

If Chanakya is called upon to evaluate the performance of American foreign policy, he would naturally first look at the impact of American military spending.

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the Doomed US Policy of Hegemony

The total amount of year 2008 supplemental funding for American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is $ 189.3 Billion and $ 158 Billion is for the Iraq war. The total spending for the Iraq war is $ 617 Billion and would be increasing on a daily basis. The total U.S. casualties in Iraq has reached a grim milestone of 4,000. America fought battles in World War II, Korea and Vietnam and the human toll was very heavy. But, in terms of the costs of waging wars, the present costs are astronomical. Does this military spending boost the national economy and create jobs? The verdict is that the military spending is draining resources from the productive economy. It has a detrimental impact on many sectors of the economy. It has resulted in slow economic growth, less investment, higher trade deficits and fewer jobs. American economy has now slowed down and currently it is the biggest concern of the American public and the concern for economy is greater than the concern for the future course of war in Ukraine.

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the US Policy of Hegemony. Dr. Kissinger, The Chief Architect of the Doomed US Policy

The U.S. national debt topped $34 trillion for the first time ever, crossing a critical milestone at a time when government spending is already under scrutiny.

The national debt – which measures what the U.S. owes its creditors — hit $34 trillion as of Friday afternoon, according to new data published by the Treasury Department. By comparison, just four decades ago, the national debt hovered around $907 billion.

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the US Policy of Hegemony. Dr. Kissinger, The Chief Architect of the Doomed US Policy

The national debt is expected to nearly double in size over the next three decades, according to the latest findings from the Congressional Budget Office. At the end of 2022, the national debt grew to about 97% of gross domestic product. 

Under current law, that figure is expected to skyrocket to 181% at the end of 2053 – a debt burden that will far exceed any previous level. 

“Though our level of debt is dangerous for both our economy and for national security, America just cannot stop borrowing,” said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the US Policy of Hegemony. Dr. Kissinger, The Chief Architect of the Doomed US Policy

How would America defends its National Security?

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the Doomed US Policy of Hegemony

American national security will remain hostage to events on the ground in Ukraine. There is no easy way out.

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the Doomed US Policy of Hegemony

America claimed a big success for its foreign policy in the break up of the Republic of Yugoslavia and for creating the State of Kosovo. Kosovo has no economy of its own and is currently dependent upon the American and European troops who spend their money while they are stationed there. American military spending in Europe is projected to increase much more on account of the new missile and radar bases it would have in Poland and Czech Republic.

Chanakya Niti – A review of the US policy of Hegemony. The chief architect of the doomed US policy. The ideals and principles contained in the historical document known as ‘The Declaration of Independence’ could not be translated into reality. In the United States, rulers have become corrupt, they pursued economic, trade, and commerce policies that caused a huge chasm between aspirations and accomplishments of this independent nation. National, and personal indebtedness has grown to unimaginable levels while very few individuals have amassed immense personal wealth. Employment opportunities are lost as the country depends upon products and services that are entirely imported from foreign countries like People’s Republic of China where people have no representative government. United States lacks an informed population while people use education as a tool for economic privilege. There are no laws and institutions to compensate for the diminution of public virtue.

None of the foreign policy initiatives for global dominance could help America to balance its federal budget and control its deficit spending which is the root cause of the problems that its economy is facing now. If American economy suffers, it would definitely cause a ripple effect. I am not surprised to hear that the merchants in the New York city are willing to accept payments in Euros as an acknowledgement of the fact that the U.S. Dollar has become weak and will continue to remain weak in comparison to major global currencies.

Whole Dude – Whole Hegemony: Chanakya Niti – A review of the Doomed US Policy of Hegemony

Whole Dude – Whole Experience – Whole Patience

The Celebration of the Experience of Earthly Existence

Earth Day 2024. The celebration of the Flat Disc experience of existence on Mother Earth

Excerpt: Monday, April 22 is Earth Day and the official theme for 2024 is “Planet vs. Plastics.” Since man has no direct sensory experience of the realities of Earth’s shape and motions, the Earth Day celebration calls for the recounting of the experience of one’s own earthly existence.On Earth Day 2024, this alien is still carrying the burden of the cross while he slowly inches towards his final, earthly destination. The alien has no choice other than that of learning the art of Whole Patience.

Earth Day 2024. The celebration of the Flat Disc experience of existence on Mother Earth

The main message this year is to raise awareness of the health risks of plastics, with a goal to phase out the use of single-use plastics.

Earth Day 2024. The celebration of the Flat Disc experience of existence on Mother Earth

Earth is the natural home for all humans, plants, and the animals that inhabit this planet. We need to learn to keep this home safe, and healthy for the sake of our future generations. Earth’s resources should be used in a wise and judicious manner. We need to accept the stewardship of the planet and act to preserve and protect the plants and the animals that share their lives with us. 

Earth Day 2024. The celebration of the Flat Disc experience of existence on Mother Earth

Earth Day Monday, April 22, 2024. The Celebration of Mother Earth. Man’s Existence is shaped by Flat Earth with Arched Dome:

Earth Day 2024. The celebration of the Flat Disc experience of existence on Mother Earth
Earth Day 2024. The celebration of the Flat Disc experience of existence on Mother Earth

The man’s existence on surface of planet Earth demands the experience of Flat Earth with Arched Dome on which the man observes the apparent motions of Sun, Moon, planets, and stars. The man experiences alternating periods of Day and Night, and experiences changing Seasons in consistent manner without experiencing the true or real motions of Earth and with no direct experience of the true shape of Earth.

The Agony of the Cup – Recounting the Experience of one’s own Earthly Existence:

The Agony of the Cup – Earth Day Celebration. Recounting the experience of one’s own earthly existence. Please take away this Cup from me.

Since man has no direct sensory experience of the realities of Earth’s shape and motions, the Earth Day celebration calls for the recounting of the experience of one’s own earthly existence.

The Agony of the Cup – Earth Day Celebration. Recounting the experience of one’s own earthly existence. Please take away this Cup from me.

I drank from that cup. Now, the cup could be described as half full or half empty. Is that really important? The cup that I drink from gives me pain and I experience suffering. What would be the right question if I have to drink from that cup? What I truly experience from my life, the reality of my condition is more important than my attitude towards my existence. The issue is not about optimism or pessimism. I need to focus on knowing the reality and I need to face the reality about what I experience when I drink from that cup of my life. 

The Agony of the Cup – Earth Day Celebration. Recounting the experience of one’s own earthly existence. Please take away this Cup from me.

I am an alien, foreigner, sojourner, stranger, tenant and traveler with no place to call home. The never ending burden of the Cross for the alien follower.

The Agony of the Cup – Earth Day Celebration. Recounting the experience of one’s own earthly existence. Please take away this Cup from me

On Earth Day 2024, the alien is still carrying the burden of the cross while he slowly inches towards his final, earthly destination. The alien has no choice other than that of learning the art of Whole Patience.

The Agony of the Cup – Earth Day Celebration. Recounting the experience of one’s own earthly existence. Please take away this Cup from me.

I celebrate Earth Day 2024 as God is not willing to take away the Cup unless I drink it.

Earth Day. The Celebration of Mother Earth, the Source of Whole Patience.

Patience in Suffering – Recounting the Experience of one’s own Earthly Existence. Please take away this Cup from me. The alien has no choice other than that of learning the art of Whole Patience.

The First Earth Day Celebration was held on April 22, 1970. It has now become a global tradition to celebrate Planet Earth as man’s only home in this vast universe of unknown dimensions. In the Indian tradition, I pay my tribute to Mother Earth, Goddess Earth often adoringly described as Bhu Devi or Prithvi Mata.

Patience in Suffering – Recounting the Experience of one’s own Earthly Existence. Please take away this Cup from me. The alien has no choice other than that of learning the art of Whole Patience.

Mother Earth symbolizes the qualities of Patience, Tolerance, Perseverance and Endurance which is the ability to withstand pain without any complaint.

Patience in Suffering – Recounting the Experience of one’s own Earthly Existence. Please take away this Cup from me. The alien has no choice other than that of learning the art of Whole Patience.

Earth Day 2024. Indian Traditions about the role of Planet Earth:



In the ancient Indian scripture of Rig Veda, Mother Earth or Prithvi Mata is described as the primordial goddess. She is also known by the names of Bhumi, Dhra, Dharti, Dhrithri, and Dharani all of which refer to her sustaining beneficence as “that which holds everything.” Akasha (Sky), Vayu (Wind), Agni (Fire), Jala or Varuna (Water), and Bhumi or Prithvi (Earth) are described as ‘Pancha Maha Bhutas’ or the Five Great Elemental States of the Material Nature or Prakriti. She is the consort of Lord Vishnu, the Divine Protector of the Hindu Trinity. Earth represents the female principle of fertility and is the source of all vegetation and is responsible for precious and bountiful crops and fruits that it yields. She is the sustainer and the preserver of the Cosmic Balance. She stands up to the rights of the living entities and defends them from Cosmic Forces and Energies. She symbolizes  the concept of a just and stable universe. She represents dedication to  maintenance of ‘Dharma’  or Righteous Action which defines the Universal Order. She bears witness to all of our actions and particularly the actions of miscreants and evildoers who transgress the rights of weak and innocent denizens living in her domain. She mutely observes the acts of depredations and oppression. She endures all kinds of suffering with calmness and displays a great quality of patience. However, there are natural limits to her forbearance.When stressed beyond her limits of threshold and particularly to uphold the vital principle of Dharma, she cries out aloud, calls for  attention of all gods, and insistently demands for  intervention of Lord Vishnu, the Divine Protector.

Patience in Suffering – The Concept of Whole Patience


Indians find encouragement  in developing perseverance while confronting trials and tribulations of many kinds. The idea that Mother Earth is a witness to their pain and suffering provides man a sense of comfort and enables man to endure suffering with a sense of hope and  expectation of deliverance. Indians are culturally driven to face calamities with calmness as they hope that Mother Earth would intervene on their behalf. Being patient is a quality t imparted to the human character by Mother Earth.

A hymn to Praise Earth Goddess Bhu Devi:


Vishnu Shakti Samutpanne
Chitra Varne Mahitale
Aneka Ratna Sampanne
Bhoomi Devi Namostute

Vishnu Shakti Samutpanne, Shanka Varne Mahitale,

Aneka Ratna Sambhute, Bhumi Devi Namostute.


Earth Goddess, Bhumi Devi, you originated from the Creative Power of Lord Vishnu and you display the complexion of a Conch shell, you produce a variety of gems and precious stones. I join and press my palms together and bow my head to offer my salutations to you.

Ecology helps to formulate the Art of Patience

Patience in Suffering – Recounting the Experience of one’s own Earthly Existence. Please take away this Cup from me. The alien has no choice other than that of learning the art of Whole Patience: WHEN THE INTERRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN LIVING THINGS ARE UNDERSTOOD, MAN LEARNS THE ART OF PATIENCE .

The Art of Patience involves learning the basic principles of Ecology which describe the interconnectedness, interrelatedness, and interdependence of all living creatures on planet Earth.


The principles of Ecology are applicable to human nature and human existence. Man is a social association of trillions of individual, independent living cells. Human existence depends upon mutual assistance, mutual cooperation, and mutual tolerance between members of the interacting biological community that represents the human individual. Man exists because of the living functions performed by individual members of a biotic or biological community.

Patience in Suffering – Recounting the Experience of one’s own Earthly Existence. Please take away this Cup from me. The alien has no choice other than that of learning the art of Whole Patience: WE BELONG TO THE EARTH FOR MAN’S EXISTENCE IS CONDITIONED AND MAN IS DEPENDENT UPON EXTERNAL SOURCE OF MATTER AND ENERGY .

Existence of man is conditioned. Man is dependent on an external source of energy and matter during all the days of his life’s journey on planet Earth.

Earth Day 2024. The celebration of the Flat Disc experience of existence on Mother Earth
Earth Day 2024. The celebration of the Flat Disc experience of existence on Mother Earth


Author: History.com Staff Website Name: History.com Publisher: A+E Networks

Earth Day, an event to increase public awareness of the world’s environmental problems, is celebrated in the United States for the first time. Millions of Americans, including students from thousands of colleges and universities, participated in rallies, marches, and educational programs.

Earth Day was the brainchild of Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, a staunch environmentalist who hoped to provide unity to the grassroots environmental movement and increase ecological awareness. The objective was to get a nationwide demonstration of concern for the environment so large that it would shake the political establishment out of its lethargy, Senator Nelson said, and, finally, force this issue permanently onto the national political agenda. Earth Day indeed increased environmental awareness in America, and in July of that year the Environmental Protection Agency was established by special executive order to regulate and enforce national pollution legislation.

On April 22, 1990, the 20th anniversary of Earth Day, more than 200 million people in 141 countries participated in Earth Day celebrations.
Earth Day has been celebrated on different days by different groups internationally. The United Nations officially celebrates it on the vernal equinox, which usually occurs about March 21.

Earth Day 2024. The celebration of the Flat Disc experience of existence on Mother Earth
Earth Day 2024. The celebration of the Flat Disc experience of existence on Mother Earth
Earth Day 2024. The celebration of the Flat Disc experience of existence on Mother Earth

Whole Dude – Whole Future – Evolution vs Extinction

Man’s Future – Evolution or Extinction?

Man’s Future: Evolution or Extinction?

Like all other living creatures of this planet Earth, man is a mortal being. Whosoever had arrived on this planet must also depart. As a biological species, what are man’s chances of survival in the future? Man arrived on planet Earth as a created being and exists as an Individual with Individuality without any choice. Life has always survived several major and minor extinction events and the issue of survival demands the existence of a human population, a mob of individuals with individuality.

Could Man Evolve into a new Species?

Man’s Future: Evolution or Extinction?

Man is a member of the order of Primates, which is a part of the class Mammalia. The Anatomically Modern humans belong to the species Homo sapiens which is further identified as subspecies sapiens. Man is the only species in the genus Homo of the family Hominidae that is living today. All other ancestral forms of the genus Homo are extinct. The early Homo sapiens was possibly present in southeastern Europe 350,000 years ago. The numbers and range of early humans has increased about 100,000 years ago.

Man’s Future: Evolution or Extinction?

The rate of expansion of human population is related to technological advancements that increase the availability of food, or of major medical advances that reduce the number of deaths. Man not only fully inhabits and utilizes a wide range of environments but also alters these environments to his own ends. With a variety of sophisticated technologies interposed between man and the natural environment, the environment cannot exert pressures on the human species in the same way that it has on other species.

Future of Man: Evolution or Extinction? Expression of Biological Information. DNA & Genetic Information. Operon. Abilities of DNA. Produce polypeptide. Forming new DNA. DNA as genetic material. Gene hypothesis. Protein synthesis. Griffith (1931) Beadle & Tatum (1944) Replication. Avery et. al (1944) Hershey & Chase.

Essentially, the modern synthetic view of evolution could be defined as a change in gene frequency. Evolution could be described as change in the genetic composition of a population through time. For purposes of speciation or separation into new species, we need to demonstrate cumulative and important changes in the population gene pool. In the last 250,000 years there is no evidence to show any important changes in the population gene pool. Practically speaking, man’s evolution into a new species is arrested because of the intervention of culture between man and his environment.

Man’s Future: Evolution or Extinction?

The Biological Phenomenon of Extinction

Man’s Future: Evolution or Extinction?

In biology, extinction refers to the dying out or termination of a race or species of animals or plants. Extinction occurs when a species can no longer reproduce at replacement levels and all the surviving members perish at the end of their life spans which could be shortened by harsh environmental stresses. The causes of extinction include the following: 1. extra -terrestrial, 2. geological-climatical, and 3. biological. Most extinctions are thought to have resulted from environmental changes. A species could be affected in either of two ways:

1. The doomed species is not able to adapt to the changed environment and would totally perish without descendants;

2. The doomed species may adapt but, in the process, may evolve into a distinctly new species. When this transformation is completed, the doomed species would be identified as an extinct species. It should be noted that this kind of transformation of one species into a new distinct species is not actually observed by any person. The chances of man evolving into a new species is less likely because man has to some extent arrested this process due to the development of his abilities to manipulate nature.

Extinction is an ongoing feature of the Earth’s flora and fauna. The fossil record has served to demonstrate the history of most major groups of animals and plants. The record indicates the occurrence of fairly sudden extinctions of certain groups at certain times, and the fossil record also reveals the occurrence of a number of mass extinctions each involving the demise of vast number of species. A typical species becomes extinct within 10 million years of its first appearance and only one in a thousand species that have existed remain today. Some 99.9 percent of all species that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct. Mass extinctions are ecological disasters but they may also create opportunities by removing once dominant groups.

Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction Event (K-T EVENT)


A drastic example of extinctions is provided by the dinosaurs. About 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period all the major groups of dinosaurs and several forms of marine life became extinct more or less simultaneously. It has great significance because it ended the reign of the dinosaurs and opened the way for mammals to become the dominant land vertebrates. Some biologists conclude that humans owe our present dominance because of this K-T Event that saw the end of the dinosaurs.

Man’s Future – Evolution or Extinction: Dinosaur Extinction.Asteroid strike near Mexico may have caused Major Extinction Event called K-T Event. Impact site 1600km from Central America.

Evidence points to the impact of an asteroid hitting the Earth as the cause of this extinction. An important aspect of such impacts by heavenly objects would be the creation of tremendous amounts of ionizing radiation which has played a devastating role in wiping out the marine life. It is suspected that catastrophic events such as an asteroid impact/radiation may have triggered other mass extinctions as well. In fact, mass extinctions appear to have taken place approximately every 26 million years. Some paleontologists proposed that a cyclical cosmic event cause these periodic die-offs.

The Lessons from Dinosaur Extinction


The history of dinosaurs upon planet Earth clearly tells us and warns us about the vulnerability of human existence. The structural differentiation and the sophisticated functional organization of man makes him a very complex organism. Such complexity actually places man in a position of disadvantage when a cataclysmic cosmic event actually happens. Organisms that are structurally simple and functionally primitive and those that feed upon dying or decaying organic matter may survive better and ride over the chaos caused by a massive collision.

The theory of evolution would not be able to offer a sense of hope to humanity and just like the dinosaurs, man would be the next doomed species. Life forms have become extinct and yet life continued. A living thing is a composite of form, and substance. We tend to pay attention to the form and disregard the nature of the substance. The living matter or substance has endured all extinction events over period of 3.5 billion years after the first appearance of Life on planet Earth. This living substance survives and displays the quality or the characteristic of being imperishable, immutable, immovable, and eternal. There is hope that the living substance would again survive a future major extinction event.

Man’s Future: Evolution or Extinction?

What about the life form that we recognize as man? Man could derive some comfort from the Book of Genesis, chapter 8, verse 22 which promises:

Man’s Future: Evolution or Extinction?

“As long as the earth endures,

seed-time and harvest,

cold and heat,

summer and winter,

day and night

will never cease.”

Man’s Future: Evolution or Extinction?

Whole Dude – Whole Star

The East-West Confluence – Discover the Star of India


Mylapore, Madras is my birth place. I am native of Rajahmundry. Ms. Annie Besant visited Rajahmundry twice and opened a place of worship known as ‘Divya Gjyan Samaj’ to honor the memory of Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, the first President of Theosophical Society International at Adyar, Madras. This temple is located in Alcot Gardens, Rajahmundry.

Theosophy – The Cultural Enrichment of India:


Theosophy is derived from the Greek ‘theos’; “God”, and ‘sophia’; “Wisdom”, and is usually translated as Divine Wisdom. Theosophy is based upon the principle that God must be experienced directly to be known at all. It lays emphasis on mystical experience. It claims that a deeper spiritual reality exists with which direct contact may be established through intuition, meditation, and revelation, by transcending man’s normal consciousness. It is held that knowledge of the ‘Divine Wisdom’ gives access to the mysteries of nature and man’s deeper being. It views that the ‘reality’ is constituted by one principle. Theosophists have affirmed an underlying all-encompassing unity that subsumes all differentiation. The Theosophical Society affirms the following objectives; 1. to form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color; 2. to encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science; and 3. to investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man. The Society insists that it is not offering a new system of thought but it merely identifies certain universal concepts of God, nature and man that are known to wise men in all ages and that may be found in the teaching of all the great religions.

An English Woman in India:


Annie Besant after her conversion to Theosophy in 1889, traveled to Adyar, Madras and made India her home. She was active in educational and humanitarian work in India. She founded the Central Hindu College at Varanasi. Beginning in 1916, she became involved in the Indian independence movement and established the Indian Home Rule League. She was the president of the Theosophical Society from 1907 until her death in 1933. She wrote several books to promote understanding of theosophical belief. Her leadership gave Indians a sense of pride in that they were exporting ideas of importance to the West. The Theosophy movement has been a pioneering agency in promotion of greater Western acquaintance with Eastern thought.

Discover ‘The Star of India’ – The Second Coming of Buddha, a new Messiah:

Discover the Star of India – The Second Coming of Buddha, the reincarnation of Bodhisattva, Maitreya, the new Messiah.

Jiddu Krishnamurti born into a Telugu speaking Hindu Brahmin family at Madanapalli in the present State of Andhra Pradesh was adopted by Annie Besant in 1909 when he was about 14 years old. She proclaimed that Krishnamurti is the vehicle of a coming World Teacher,  reincarnation of Bodhisattva, Maitreya, the Second Buddha.

Discover the Star of India – The Second Coming of Buddha, the reincarnation of Bodhisattva, Maitreya, the new Messiah. The Discovery of Jiddu Krishnamurti.

She traveled in Great Britain and the United States with Krishnamurti whom she presented as a new Messiah. In 1911, she founded the ‘Order of the Star of India’ based on the claim that he was Buddha reincarnated. She was his legal guardian till 1921.In 1929, Krishnamurti dissolved this movement.

The Quest for Truth:


The keynote of Annie Besant’s varied activities was her unswerving loyalty to Truth. As she said, “She (Truth) may lead me into wilderness, yet I must follow her; She may strip me of all love, yet I must pursue her; though She slay me, yet will I trust in her; and I ask no other epitaph on my tomb but ‘she tried to follow Truth’.”

Rudra Narasimham Rebbapragada, B.Sc., M.B.B.S.,

Danavaipeta Municipal High School, Rajahmundry, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India.

S.S.L.C. Class of March 1961


Hauptgebäude der Theosophischen Gesellschaft i...

Whole Dude – Whole Path

The Fear of the Beaten Path vs The Security of Guided Path

The Fear of the ‘Beaten Path’ – Defining Indian Identity.

‘The Order of the Star’ was an organization built around Jiddu Krishnamurti by Ms. Annie Besant and other Theosophists with the hope that he would be the vehicle for the return of the Christ or ‘Maitreya’ (the reincarnation of the Lord of Compassion).

The Dissolution of ‘The Order of The Star’

The Fear of the ‘Beaten Path’ – Defining Indian Identity. JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI GIVING HIS SPEECH IN 1929 DISSOLVING ‘THE ORDER OF THE STAR‘.
The Fear of the ‘Beaten Path’ – Defining Indian Identity

Aug-Sept 1929: I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organization be formed to lead or to coerce people along any particular path. You must climb towards the Truth. It cannot be ‘stepped down’ or organized for you.

1933: I feel that no one can lead another to truth, because truth is infinite; it is a pathless land, and no one can tell you how to find it. No one can teach you to be an artist; another can only give you the brushes and canvas and show you the colours to use.

1948: You cannot discover the path, because there is no path, Truth is a thing that is living, and to a living thing there is no path – it is only to dead things that there can be a path. Truth being pathless, to discover it you must be adventurous, ready for danger; and do you think a guru will help you to be adventurous, to live in danger? To seek a guru obviously indicates that you are not adventurous, that you are merely seeking a path to reality as a means of security.

1957: There is no path to reality. Reality is a pathless land, and you must venture out and discover it for yourself. It is because you are frightened inwardly that you depend on something, on the priest, or on a belief, and so you get caught in the net of an organized religion.

1976: But as truth is a pathless land, you can’t lay down a line, a direction, a path to it and practise it, discipline yourself, learn a technique. It is immovable. There is no technique to truth.

1982: So one has to be totally free from all that because truth has no path to it. It is a pathless land, like a ship that has no rudder. You have to walk out of darkness, out of your own chaos, out of your own confusion, out of the forest of ignorance and come to that by yourself, your own comprehension of perception.

1982: Because if there is any form of conditioning, psychically, inwardly, truth cannot be found. Truth is a pathless land, and it must come to one when there is total freedom from conditioning.

The Story about The Star of Bethlehem:

The Fear of the ‘Beaten Path’ – Defining Indian Identity

The New Testament Book Matthew, Chapter 2, verse 1 and 2 describe the visit of the ‘Magi’. After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We saw his Star in the East and have come to worship him.”

The Fear of the ‘Beaten Path’ – Defining Indian Identity

And Matthew 2:9-10 further states, when they heard the king, they (Magi) went on their way, and the Star they had seen in the East went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the Star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.

The Fear of the ‘Beaten Path’ – Defining Indian Identity

The Magi, the three wise men of the East did not traverse on a beaten path to discover the newborn Jesus. As there is no beaten path, the Star of Bethlehem clearly guided them to find the truth or reality of the newborn baby.

The Fear of the ‘Beaten Path’ – Defining Indian Identity

Jesus shows the Way to The Father, Truth, and Life:

The Fear of the ‘Beaten Path’ – Defining Indian Identity

The New Testament Book John, Chapter 14, verse 6 describes Jesus as the way to the Father. Jesus answered, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


The Fear of the ‘Beaten Path’ – Defining Indian Identity

‘Truth is a pathless land’ was the speech made by Jiddu Krishnamurti in 1929 when he dissolved the Order of the Star. “I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you can not approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organised; nor should any organisation be formed to lead or coerce people along any particular path.” Krishnamurti believed that the individual must establish his uniqueness, he should discover for himself that absolute, unconditioned Truth.

The Fear of the Beaten Path:


The much traveled or a beaten path is recommended if you are aware of your destination. The beaten path provides the wayfarer a sense of security and comfort.

The Fear of the Beaten Path. Defining Indian Identity. As Brahman is Unknowable, the personification of Brahman works like the Star of Bethlehem, a Guiding Star when there is no beaten track to arrive at the destination.

In India, thinkers tend to believe that the principles underlying macrocosm (Universal) and microcosm (Individual) are related. According to Vedas which guide the Indian mind, the ‘Brahman’ (the Absolute Reality or ‘The Father’) cannot be known by any empirical means of knowledge. Socrates states, ‘Know thyself, and you will know the universe and the gods.’ In a similar manner Indian thinkers have always encouraged the values of introspection, to reflect upon your own mind and thoughts to understand Self and Self-Knowledge is a tool, is the way and the path to the Truth. As an Indian, I always experience a sense of fear about the ‘Beaten Path’ and the assurance given by Jesus that He is the Way somehow does not dispel the sense of fear to travel on that path. I need an unbeaten path.

The Fear of the Beaten Path. Defining Indian Identity. The concept of Purusha or True Self guides the man on the Path of Self-Discovery.
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)
Whole Dude – Whole Path: The Fear of Beaten Path vs the Security of Guided Path

Whole Dude – Whole Blessings – A Name Beyond All Names

Who am I? Why am I like this? The Blessings of a Name beyond all Names

Bharat Darshan – Happy Rama Navami on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Lord Rama – MY Beloved Hero.
Bharat Darshan – Happy Rama Navami on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Lord Rama – MY Beloved Hero.
Bharat Darshan – Happy Rama Navami on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Lord Rama – MY Beloved Hero.

Sree Rama, Rama, Rameti, Rame, Raame, Manorame

Sahsra Nama tattulyam, Rama Nama Varanane.


Bharat Darshan – Happy Rama Navami on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Lord Rama – MY Beloved Hero.

The Culture of the Land Of India introduced to me several personalities and Cultural Icons and I tend to develop a relationship with them and each of my relationships exists in a particular context. Shiva is my protector and the Master who guides my intellectual functions. I describe Lord Krishna as my “GURU”, the Guru who guides my actions and I name Prince Karna as my favorite Hero as he is the “Salt of Life.” Rama describes himself in the following words. On the occasion of Princess Seetha’s ordeal by fire at the end of the epic battle, Rama says to Brahma (The Lord of Creation) who appeared there among others:

आत्मानं मानुषं मन्ये रामं दशरथात्मजम् || ६-११७-११
सोऽहं यस्य यतश्चाहं भगवंस्तद्ब्रवीतु मे |

11. manye = I think; aatmaanam = of myself; maanuSham = to be a human being; raamam = called Rama; dasharathaatmajam = the son of Dasaratha; bhagavaan = you; as a gracious Divinity; braviitu = tell; me = me; tat = that; saH aham yasya = which I as such really am; aham yashcha = and why I am like this.

“I think of myself to be a human being, by name Rama, the son of Dasaratha. You, as a gracious Divinity, tell me that which I as such really am like this.”

“I regard myself only as Rama, son of Dasaratha, an ordinary human being. Who I am in reality, where I belong, why I took birth, are matters on which you may enlighten me, and I do not know.”

In the personality of Rama, the course of human conduct and the Dharma governing it come linked together. My love for Rama could be mostly attributed to the story that is revealed in Book II, ‘Ayodhya Kanda’ of Valmiki Ramayana. We should view the events described through imagination and actually experience the emotional state of each character as the story is enacted in front of our eyes. It is claimed that, wherever Rama’s tale is told, Hanuman himself joins the gathering and reverentially stands with tear-filled eyes, listening. This has been my personal experience. Whenever I read the story about this ordinary human being, my eyes fill up with tears. I rechecked my emotions while preparing to write down this entry. When I read Ayodhya Kanda, my eyes can not resist from filling up with tears. For having experienced this emotional connection, I claim that Rama is my Beloved Hero.

My desire to speak about Rama is provided by Rama himself and I did mention about it in the very first entry of my blog posts. I give credit to the Telugu poet Bammera Potana whom I acknowledge as my ‘mentor’. Potana proclaims that he wrote his poems with the help of the creative spirit inspired directly by Rama. My Master Shiva gives the consent to entertain this idea that Rama is my resource for creative writing, my Guru Krishna approves my actions to express my sentimental attachment to Rama, Saraswati gracefully provides the ability to pen my thoughts, Hanuman certifies that my tears are genuine and Ganesha blesses my effort and lets me post this entry.

Bharat Darshan – Happy Rama Navami on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Lord Rama – MY Beloved Hero. The Life Journey is viewed as a perilous and tedious swim without navigational aids and floatation devices across an unknown and uncharted ocean.

In the Indian tradition, the Life Journey is described as a perilous and tedious swim without navigational aids and floatation devices across an unknown and uncharted ocean. I stay afloat while I cross this ocean and the name ‘Rama’ is like a life jacket, a flotation device which would guide me to get to the destination and gives me the hope to reach the shore. I live in a universe which is a reflection of “Maya.” I find no better way to know the Ultimate Reality. I prefer to cling to the two-letter ‘Mantra’ of Ra-Ma. I would just be happy if I could find the way and end up in the company of others who lived before me placing their trust in this Name.

Mother Kaikeyi spoke prophetic words when she said Rama’s dutifulness would bring him glory undying. That glory she said will continue as long as the Himaalaya stands and the waters of Ganga flow and as long as the ocean-waves beat on the solid earth.

May everyone that reads the Chapter XV of Ayodhya Kanda receive by Rama’s grace the strength to bear the sorrows that have to be faced in life.

I would have loved to share these thoughts with my mother and I shed tears reading Rama’s story while remembering her.

Bharat Darshan – Happy Rama Navami on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Lord Rama – MY Beloved Hero.
Bharat Darshan – Happy Rama Navami on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Lord Rama – MY Beloved Hero.

Whole Dude – Whole Measurement

Indian Independence – A Measure of my Life

India’s First Independence Day celebration on August 15, 1947 has become a measure of my life.

I record major events of my life in relation to India’s independence on August 15, 1947. The Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on January 30, 1948 and my life’s journey became associated with the story of this young nation. 

India’s First Independence Day celebration on August 15, 1947 has become a measure of my life.
India’s First Independence Day celebration on August 15, 1947 has become a measure of my life.


India’s First Independence Day celebration on August 15, 1947 has become a measure of my life. 25th Independence Anniversary Medal. Indian Independence-A Measure of my Life.

This medal was awarded to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Indian independence in 1972. The medal was awarded to all members of the armed forces, paramilitary forces, and police forces who were serving on 15 August 1972. This medal gives me an opportunity to remember the twenty-fifth year of my life. I was then serving in Indian Army in the rank of a Captain and was posted at a unit located in the North-East Frontier Agency which is now known as the State of Arunachal Pradesh. We all had a very good reason to rejoice on that day. India had scored a major victory in the India-Pakistan War of 1971 and we took pride in the fact that we had a role in shaping that epic event in India’s military history.

Operation Eagle 1971-72 – The Chittagong Hill Tracts – Liberation War of Bangladesh:

India’s First Independence Day celebration on August 15, 1947 has become a measure of my life. OPERATION EAGLE 1971-1972. THE MILITARY VICTORY IN THE CHITTAGONG HILL TRACTS-THE CELEBRATION OF 25th INDEPENDENCE ANNIVERSARY
India’s First Independence Day celebration on August 15, 1947 has become a measure of my life. Operation Eagle 1971-72, the India-Pakistan War of 1971 and the Liberation of Bangladesh are very significant achievements of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. As I was then serving in Special Frontier Force, Establishment No. 22 (Vikas Regiment) under the Cabinet Secretariat, I had direct and personal understanding of Prime Minister’s Foreign Policy initiatives. She approved our military Operation in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. In the conduct of this clandestine military operation, we faced a very critical moment and it demanded the Prime Minister’s approval for deploying aircraft in enemy territory, a decision that she alone can make. While awaiting her decision, I carried out a difficult war casualty evacuation mission to overcome the challenge posed by the lack of airlift facility. The importance of this situation could be understood as it required the Prime Minister’s intervention. I am now asking the Government of India to recognize my GALLANT response in enemy’s territory without any concern for my personal safety.
India’s First Independence Day celebration on August 15, 1947 has become a measure of my life. Lieutenant Governor of Andaman & Nicobar Islands(December 1985 to December 1989) – Lieutenant General (Retd) TS Oberoi, PVSM, VrC., former General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Headquarters Southern Command, Pune, former Inspector General, Special Frontier Force, former Commandant, Headquarters Establishment No. 22. He is the tall person in this photo wearing dark brown turban. I knew him since 1971. Under his able leadership, the Liberation of Bangladesh commenced during November 1971. Apart from his military wisdom, he took a good care of all men under his Command. While I was proceeding to the Chittagong Hill Tracts, he individually greeted all the members of my team and delayed the departure of aircraft to make sure that a hot breakfast was served to all the men boarding the aircraft. He paid personal attention to all the aspects of the military mission to secure the well-being of men apart from achieving success in accomplishing the military task. The sense of warmth he radiated is easily felt when we meet him in person. His grandson provided me the link to this photo. Photo Credit – Trishna-Ajay-Picasa Web Album.
India’s First Independence Day celebration on August 15, 1947 has become a measure of my life. The remarks made by Lieutenant Colonel B K Narayan of Special Frontier Force on May 13, 1972 in my Annual Confidential Report for 1971-72 are as follows:”A very conscientious and Tough MO who worked hard during the Bangladesh Ops. He did very well and showed Maturity which was beyond the call of duty. I have recommended this Officer for a gallantry award for which he deserves eminently. He is physically Tough and cheerful. Is a fresh entrant with less than 2 years of Service and yet he displayed capability and confidence.
India’s First Independence Day celebration on August 15, 1947 has become a measure of my life. OPERATION EAGLE 1971-72. Remarks of Former Inspector General of Special Frontier Force, Lieutenant General T S Oberoi, PVSM, VrC, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief,Headquarters Southern Command Pune 411001.He remarked about my participation in the India-Pakistan War of 1971
India’s First Independence Day celebration on August 15, 1947 has become a measure of my life. OPERATION EAGLE 1971-1972. THE MILITARY VICTORY IN THE CHITTAGONG HILL TRACTS-THE CELEBRATION OF 25th INDEPENDENCE ANNIVERSARY. Special Service Award by all Officers, D – Sector, Establishment 22 on 19 January 1973.

Dr. R. Rudra Narasimham, B.Sc., M.B.B.S.,

Personal Number – MR-03277K Major AMC/DPC

MS-8466 Captain AMC/SSC

Medical Officer South Column, Operation Eagle

Headquarters Establishment No. 22  C/O  56  APO

Whole Dude – Whole Jahan

Isfahan is Half the World – Where is the other Half?

Isfahan – Nesf-E-Jahan – Half the World -Where is the other Half? The Persian Word Jahan means the World.
Isfahan – Nesf-E-Jahan – Half the World -Where is the other Half? The Persian Word Jahan means the World.

Isfahan is located at about 400 km (250 miles) south of Iranian capital city of Tehran. Isfahan is considered to be a charming and memorable place and it is popularly known as Nesf-e-Jahan meaning that Isfahan is half the world, I name Hyderabad (Deccan),India as the other half. Hyderabad is charming and its historical monuments are being restored and the city was originally modeled after Isfahan and very soon people would appreciate the connection between these two cities.

Isfahan – Nesf-E-Jahan – Half the World -Where is the other Half? The Persian Word Jahan means the World.


Isfahan – Nesf-E-Jahan – Half the World -Where is the other Half? The Persian Word Jahan means the World.
Isfahan – Nesf-E-Jahan – Half the World -Where is the other Half? The Persian Word Jahan means the World.
Isfahan – Nesf-E-Jahan – Half the World -Where is the other Half? The Persian Word Jahan means the World.
Isfahan – Nesf-E-Jahan – Half the World -Where is the other Half? The Persian Word Jahan means the World.
Isfahan – Nesf-E-Jahan – Half the World -Where is the other Half? The Persian Word Jahan means the World.

The Blue Tiles of Isfahan

The entrance to Shah Mosque (aka Imam Mosque o...
Whole Dude – Whole Jahan: The Blue Tiles of Isfahan. Isfahan – Nesf-E-Jahan – Half the World -Where is the other Half? The Persian Word Jahan means the World.
Whole Dude – Whole Jahan: The Blue Tiles of Isfahan. Isfahan – Nesf-E-Jahan – Half the World -Where is the other Half? The Persian Word Jahan means the World.
Whole Dude – Whole Jahan: The Blue Tiles of Isfahan. Isfahan – Nesf-E-Jahan – Half the World -Where is the other Half? The Persian Word Jahan means the World.
Whole Dude – Whole Jahan: The Blue Tiles of Isfahan. Isfahan – Nesf-E-Jahan – Half the World -Where is the other Half? The Persian Word Jahan means the World.

Qutb Shahi Dynasty of Golconda, Deccan, India

Qutb Shahi Dynasty of Golconda, Deccan, India. Golconda Fort.



Qutb Shahi Dynasty of Golconda, Deccan, India. Sultan Muhammad Quli Qutb-ul-Mulk

Quli Qutb Mulk, a Shia Muslim from Persia (present day Turkmenistan) with friends and a few relatives had migrated to Delhi in the beginning of 16th century A.D. He migrated south to Deccan and served Bahmani Sultan Mohammad Shah. He conquered Golconda and was appointed as the governor of the Telangana region (about the size of France) in 1512 A.D. After the disintegration of the Bahmani Kingdom into the five Deccan Sultanates, he declared independence, assumed the title of ‘QUTB SHAH’ and established the Qutb Shahi Dynasty of Golconda in 1518 A.D. Qutb Shahis were great builders and patrons of learning. They not only patronized the Persian culture but also the regional culture of the Deccan, symbolized by the Telugu language and the Deccani idiom of Urdu. The Golconda rulers learned Telugu. The Qutb Shahi Dynasty will be remembered because of the legend associated with the construction of a Hindu temple in Bhadrachalam.

Myths, Legends and the Reality – Defining Indian Identity

Myths, Legends, and Reality – Defining Indian Identity. Sree Seetha Ramachandra Swamy at Bhadradri. Temple of Lord Rama in Bhadrachalam defines the concept of Ultimate Reality.

Sri Sita Ramachandra Swamy Shrine -Temple of Lord Rama in Bhadrachalam

Qutb Shahi Dynasty of Golconda, Deccan, India. Defining Indian Identity
Qutb Shahi Dynasty of Golconda, Deccan, India. Defining Indian Identity
Myths, Legends, and Reality – Defining Indian Identity. A Temple to define the concept of Ultimate Reality.

This temple town of Bhadrachalam, located on the northern banks of the river Godavari in Khammam District of Telangana, India, best describes my Indian Identity as it brings together our myths, our legends and our quest for the “Ultimate Reality”.

Myths, Legends, and reality – Defining Indian Identity. A Temple to define the Ultimate Reality. The place described as Panchvati is in the vicinity of Bhadrachalam as per our local legend

This place is connected to events described in the epic poem of Ramayan which narrates Lord Rama’s journey in our Land. Rama while living in exile, camped in the forest by the name ‘Dandakaranya’ and His spouse Seetha was abducted and eventually, Rama and His brother Laxmana cross the river Godavari at this place in search of Seetha. A pious man known as Bhadra prayed at this place seeking Lord Rama’s return to this place. Much later, a simple tribal woman who lived in this area discovered the idols of ‘Vaikuntha Rama’ (for He carried the Sudarshana Chakra apart from the bow and arrow) with Seetha seated on His lap and the idol of Laxmana standing next to them.

Myths, Legends, and Reality -Defining Indian Identity. A Temple to define the concept of Ultimate Reality

Kancharla Gopanna, a Tahsildar (revenue official) of Palvancha Paragana, completed building this temple in 1674 A.D. The legend about the divine intervention and the miraculous release of Gopanna from the prison at the Golconda Fort is narrated in my entry titled, ‘The Benevolent Shia Ruler of Golconda-Verily, A Blessed Soul’.

About Myths and Legends:

Myths, Legends, and Reality. Defining Indian Identity. A Temple to define the concept of Ultimate Reality.

Myths are traditional stories which serve to explain our connection to God and the universe and hence they are not the same like the fictional stories. Myths exist in a historical context but may not be true historical accounts that are supported by scientific verification. Legends are stories handed down for generations among a people and popularly believed to have a historical basis but do not qualify for inclusion in a text book of history. As an Indian, I depend upon myths and legends to derive a sense of direction, a sense of guidance and a sense of hope for my human existence. They help me to know who I am and where I am going.

About Reality and Ultimate Reality:

The influence called Time makes the distinction between Real and Unreal. A Temple to define the concept of Ultimate Reality

Indians are very concerned about the effects of Time . We practically witness in our daily lives the forceful consequences of time. Time changes the course of human life and time changes the physical world. However, the “Ultimate Reality” does not change, it is constant and it is eternal. Indians seek this Reality as it represents their natural home and that is their final destination on completion of the life’s journey. Since ‘TRUTH’ is unchanging in its character, is also described as the Reality that we cherish to experience.

Myths, Legends, and Reality. Defining Indian Identity. A Temple defines the concept of Ultimate Reality. The name Ra Ma represents Eternal Truth.

Millions of Indians express this desire for Truth and the Reality with a very simple statement. They claim that the name “RA MA” is eternal Truth. Our search for Truth and Reality becomes very easy if we just seek “RA MA”. Great powers on this earth had vainly tried to destroy our belief in RAMA. Mughal Emperor Babur destroyed the temple in Ayodhya which we consider as Rama’s birth place. The forces of Sultan Tughlak destroyed the Rama temple in my home town Rajahmundry. Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb destroyed countless number of temples and idols of Rama. Yet the myth and legend of Rama survives. At Bhadrachalam also known as Bhadra giri or Bhadradri (the hill of Bhadra), Sultan Tani Shah, a benevolent Shia Muslim ruler of Golconda, helped Kancharla Gopanna to maintain this temple. This devotee of Lord Rama is popularly known by the name Bhakta Rama Dasu.

Would it be possible to destroy Rama?

Myths, Legends, and Reality. Defining Indian Identity. A Temple defines the concept of Ultimate Reality.

Many have tried to destroy the idols and images of Rama. For example, if some one would destroy the temple of Rama in Bhadrachalam, we still connect this place and the forest and the river with Rama’s life journey. If some one would destroy the forest, level the ground and change the course of the river, I would still look for the signs of His presence in the creation of the heavens and the earth. I would describe the blue sky as the color of Rama. If some one could destroy the blue sky and when I look up and see the dark sky, I would say that I am reminded of Lord Krishna who is described as black in color as dark as the sky of New Moon’s day. Our myths remind us that Rama and Krishna are one and the same. I do know people take great pride in their physical power but it may not be easy to wipe out a belief system which is more than the Idols which represent the Belief. The Indian Identity associated with Blue and Dark sky would survive as long as there is a sky above our heads and as long as the difference of night and day exists on this earth.

Myths, Legends, and Reality – Defining Indian Identity. A Temple to define the concept of Ultimate Reality.

” Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and (in) the difference of night and day are tokens (of His sovereignty) for men of understanding”. Surah III, verse 190, Holy Book of Quran.

Myths, Legends, and Reality – Defining Indian Identity. A Temple to define the concept of Ultimate Reality.

Shia Muslim Ruler of Golconda. Verily, a Blessed Soul

Shia Muslim Ruler of Golconda. Verily, a Blessed Soul. SULTAN ABUL HASAN QUTB SHAH (MAY PEACE BE UPON HIM).
Golconda Fort near the City of Hyderabad, the seat of Qutb Shahi Dynasty. GOLCONDA FORT- “GOLLA KONDA”(SHEPHERD’S HILL) 

Quli Qutub Mulk, a Shia Muslim from Persia (present day Turkmenistan) with friends and a few relatives migrated to Delhi in the beginning of 16th century CE. He migrated south to Deccan and served Bahmani Sultan Mohammad Shah. He conquered Golconda and was appointed as the governor of the Telangana region (about the size of France) in 1512 CE. After the disintegration of the Bahmani Kingdom into the five Deccan Sultanates, Quli Qutub Mulk declared independence, assumed the title of ‘QUTUB SHAH’ and established the Qutb Shahi Dynasty of Golconda in 1518 CE. Qutub Shahis were great builders and patrons of learning. They not only patronized the Persian culture but also the regional culture of the Deccan, symbolized by the Telugu language and the Deccani idiom of Urdu. The Golconda rulers learned Telugu. 

The Qutub Shahis was the ruling family of the kingdom of Golconda, DECCAN, southern India. They were Shia Muslims and belonged to a Turkmen tribe from the Turkmenistan-Armenia region. The dynasty ruled Golconda for 171 years until the Mughal Emperor Aurangazeb’s armies conquered the Deccan in 1687 CE. 
Abdullah Qutb Shah, the sixth ruler of the Qutb Shahi Dynasty (1626-1672 CE). Abdul Hasan Tana Shah married his daughter and gained access to power.
Tana Shah (Abul Hasan Qutb Shah or Tanishah) (1672-1687 CE)

 Sultan Abul Hasan Qutb Shah was the seventh and the last ruler of the Kingdom of Golconda (Deccan, Southern India) under the Qutb Shahi Dynasty. He ruled from 1672 CE to 1687 CE. He is also known as Abul Hasan Tana Shah and more popularly, he is known as TANI SHAH meaning benevolent ruler. He did not discriminate against those of other ethnicities or religions. He hired Hindus as his ministers and generals.

Akkanna, Madanna were secretaries to the prime minister during Abdullah Qutb Shah rule and their position helped Gopanna get a post as Palvancha Tehsildar. Sultan Tana Shah appointed Madanna as Prime Minister and Akkanna as Revenue Minister.

Madanna served as an official during Sultan Abdullah Qutb Shah’s rule. Madanna had a nephew by name Kancharla Gopanna and he helped Gopanna to be appointed as a “Tehsildar” (a revenue official) of Palvancha county.

Pokala Dhammakka, a tribal woman living in Bhadrareddypalem, found the central icon of Rama in an anthill.

During mid 17th century CE, Pokala Dhammakka, a tribal woman living in Bhadrareddypalem, found the central icon of Rama in an anthill. She dissolved the anthill using the water from the Godavari River. With the help of the villagers, Dhammakka constructed a mandapam (a temporary platform with a roof) and offered prayers to the deities.
Following Abdullah Qutb Shah’s orders, Gopanna enforced the Jizyah tax (jizyah, also spelled jizya, historically, a tax  paid by non-Muslim populations to their Muslim rulers., a penalty designed to make Hindus pay for not adopting Islam). Observing the dilapidated state of the worship site, Gopanna decided to build a temple for Rama, Seeta, and Laxmana idols by raising donations.

In the initial attempt, Gopanna received harsh criticism from the local Hindus for enforcing the Jizyah tax.
Dejected by numerous rebuffs, Gopanna decided to use a portion of the tax collected to build the temple and face the consequences. The temple was built by Gopanna in 1662 CE with a cost of nearly six lakh Varahas ( Gold coins).
Abdullah Qutb Shah summoned Gopanna, who had no proper answer for misusing kingdom’s funds.

Sultan found Gopanna was guilty of the misuse of the funds and had him imprisoned at the Golconda Fort.  

A Legend About Divine Intervention: 

Shia Ruler of Golconda, Verily, a Blessed Soul. A Temple to define the concept of Ultimate Reality.
Did Lord Rama actually visit Golconda Fort to obtain the release of Kancharla Gopanna from the prison? Sultan Tani Shah believed that it was God or Allah who had come to him and cleared the debt owed by Gopanna. He further expressed that belief in his actions. He allowed Gopanna to complete the construction of Lord Rama’s Temple in Bhadrachalam and financially supported the maintenance of that Temple. By doing so, the Shia Ruler of Golconda gave us a chance to reflect upon Lord’s Mercy, Grace, and Compassion.

 Gopanna spent about 12 years in prison. According to legend, God intervened on behalf of Gopanna to obtain his release from the prison at Golconda Fort.

RamaTanka Gold Coins given to Tana Shah are still in display at Bhadrachalam Temple.

As per the legend, Lord Rama in disguise had come before the King and returned the money owed by Gopanna and the debt was repaid with gold coins. God who came to rescue Gopanna from the prison had met the Sultan but not the prisoner. Upon his release from the prison, Gopanna did express his sorrow for missing the opportunity to meet the Lord. Gopanna was released from the prison and he successfully finished the construction of the Rama temple which stands even today. Sultan Tani Shah publicly acknowledged that he had met “ALLAH ” and recognized the fact of Gopanna’s release from the prison was made possible by divine intervention. He made permanent arrangements for the upkeep of this temple. The funds that were collected as tax from Palvancha county were allocated to the temple and also he had established an annual tradition of sending pearls to shower the Deity during the annual temple festival. This tradition of offering pearls was continued by the rulers of the princely State of Hyderabad popularly known as the ‘Nizams of Hyderabad’, who ruled the Telangana region continuously until India’s independence. The Hyderabad State became a part of the Indian Union and the State of Andhra Pradesh came into existence in 1956.  The Government of Andhra Pradesh and later Telangana followed the tradition established by Sultan Tani Shah in the 17th century and the tradition of offering pearls to Lord Rama still exists.   


Shia Ruler of Golconda, Verily a Blessed Soul.

Did Lord Rama actually visit Golconda Fort to obtain the release of Kancharla Gopanna from the prison? Sultan Tani Shah believed that it was God or Allah who had come to him and cleared the debt owed by Gopanna. He further expressed that belief in his actions. He allowed Gopanna to complete the construction of Lord Rama’s Temple in Bhadrachalam and financially supported the maintenance of that Temple. By doing so, the Shia Ruler of Golconda gave us a chance to reflect upon Lord’s Mercy, Grace, and Compassion.  

This Lord Rama’s Temple in Bhadrachalam is a testimony about Lord’s Grace, Mercy, and Compassion.

 This benevolent ruler defended the Golconda Fort for eight months when the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb attacked it in 1687 A.D. In October 1687, the Fort was captured by bribery and Sultan Tani Shah was taken as a prisoner and was imprisoned in Daulatabad Fort until his death.  

I would call Sultan Tani Shah is a Blessed Soul for he recognized God’s plan and purpose and supported Gopanna to build the temple and provided for the maintenance of the temple and gave us the opportunity to know about God’s Compassion, Grace, and Mercy. Secondly, Sultan Tani Shah received the biggest gift that a man could ever seek. Man always cherishes the idea of meeting his Creator, the Father in Heaven, Allah, the Lord, RAMA the divine reincarnation of Vishnu and very few actually realize that dream. Gopanna was rescued but could not meet RAMA. Sultan Tani Shah did not pray or ask for this favor from God. He is a Blessed Soul because God granted him that gift. He received a sensory experience of that Reality called God and I fully trust this experience he had shared with others. Sultan Tani Shah’s  actions substantiate his claim. Most importantly, he did not seek any personal reward or personal gain while he acted in the obedience of a God he never actually believed and had never intended to worship in any manner. He acted without seeking the fruits of his actions. I bless this Shia Ruler of Golconda and pray for Lord’s Peace be upon him forever.   

Shia Ruler of Golconda, Verily a Blessed Soul.

A Replica of Heaven on Earth – Isfahan, Half the World and Hyderabad, the Second Half

A Replica of Heaven on Earth – Isfahan, Half the World and Hyderabad, the Second Half

Charminar – Architectural Centerpiece of Hyderabad 

Muhammad Quli Qutub Shah, the fifth Sultan of the Qutb Shahi Dynasty of Golconda described the then new city of Esfahan (Isfahan) of Persia as “unparalleled in the world and a replica of Heaven itself.” He ascended to the throne in 1580 at the age of 15 and ruled for thirty-one years. He founded the city of Hyderabad and this most well planned city was modeled on the city of Esfahan. Architects from Persia planned the lay out of Hyderabad City which was built on the southern bank of Musi River in 1591. Charminar (Four Towers) was built as the architectural centerpiece and it defines the center of the Hyderabad City. He married a Telangana Telugu woman named Bhagmati and hence the city is known as ‘BHAGYA NAGAR’. He gave her the name Hyder Mahal and the city got its name from her new identity. He built Jama Masjid in 1597. 

A Replica of Heaven on Earth – Isfahan, Half the World and Hyderabad, the Second Half. Jama Masjid of Hyderabad.

Iran helping India to restore Qutb Shahi Monuments

Iran helping India to restore Hyderabad Qutb Shahi monuments


Iran helping India to restore Hyderabad Qutb Shahi monuments

The Qutb Shahis was the ruling family of the kingdom of Golconda, Deccan, India. They were Shia Muslims and belonged to a Turkmen tribe from the Turkmenistan-Armenia region. The dynasty ruled Golconda for 171 years until the Mughal Emperor Aurangazeb’s armies conquered the Deccan in 1687. Amidst beautifully laid out gardens of Ibrahim Bagh there are seven tombs erected in the memory of the departed kings of Golconda and they are known as Qutub Shahi tombs. They are located one km away from Golconda Fort. The site is considered to be one of the world’s largest necropolis and nowhere in the world there are so many tombs in one place. 

Iran helping India to restore Hyderabad Qutb Shahi monuments

Each tomb stands on a raised platform. It is a domed structure built on a square base surrounded by pointed arches. The quadrangular terrace is approached on all sides by flights of steps. The galleries of the smaller tombs are single storied while the larger ones are two-storied. In the center of each tomb is a sarcophagus which overlies the actual burial vault in a crypt below. The material used was Grey granite embellished with stucco ornamentation. The domes were originally overlaid with blue and green tiles of which only a few pieces remain now. The tombs were once furnished with carpets, chandeliers and velvet canopies on silver poles. Qurans were kept on decorated supports.Golden spires were fitted over the tombs of the Sultans. The tombs were surrounded by rose gardens and fountains. The tomb of founder of Hyderabad City, Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah is the most impressive, rising to a height of 42.5 meters with a large dome and 28 open arches on each side. He had taken Iranian help in the planning of Hyderabad. 

Iran helping India to restore Hyderabad Qutb Shahi monuments

Iranian Government and the Iranian Consulate in Hyderabad have taken a great interest in the restoration work of these tombs. During August 2006, six Iranian experts visited the site to draw up the plans for restoration which also includes the Prema mati Mosque, and the Badshahi Ashoor Khana where tears are shed over the martyrdom of the Prophet’s grandson Hussain. The underground drainage system, the fountains and the hamam (bath) that existed before would be restored. Gardens will be developed in and around the monuments. This project when completed will be like 20 Taj Mahals at one place.

Iran helping India to restore Hyderabad Qutb Shahi monuments
Iran helping India to restore Hyderabad Qutb Shahi monuments
Iran helping India to restore Hyderabad Qutb Shahi monuments
Iran helping India to restore Hyderabad Qutb Shahi monuments. The City around these monuments has totally changed over the years.
A Replica of Heaven on Earth – Isfahan, Half the World and Hyderabad, the Second Half